Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Staying Alive

It happens to every player. You lose the D side and get trapped in a tower midfield. You push to hard and end up in a tiny bunker, you’re the last guy in a corner, or the bad guys are in the 50’s, let face it, you’re screwed, you’re pinched. Staying alive is necessary, and you don’t need to look like a scrub. Stay alive. Stay fresh. Stay frosty.

First is first. You gotta stay on your toes. Be sharp, have good field awareness. Listen to the other side of the field. Head on a swivel. Know when the other side is quiet. Why aren’t they shooting? They dead? Oops, you too. So. Play tight. Always. Don’t freak out when you get some heat. Tuck your pack. Don’t play on your knees, get up on your toes, both feet. Make love to your bunker, and stay still. Don’t battle. Don’t head check, just chill. Here’s where you trust your team mates, cause they want you alive too. You’re better alive with your gun down.

Live by your gun! There comes a time when hiding can’t happen. Here you’ll have to bet it all. Go all in. Grab your gun. Start shooting paint. It’s you or him. Shoot shoot shoot. If you’re lucky you’ll kill kill kill. Or, at least buy yourself enough time see another k off the 50, giving you enough room in your bunker to play again.

Get it right. Keep it tight.


1 comment:

  1. you forgot to say watch out for the middle of the field. 99% of the time they will come from the middle of the field.
